Med Free Bipolar Safety Net Plan: “Playing What IF I were to get sick again”

Med Free Safety Net Plan:


Even a Med Free Bipolar should have a plan in place in case an episode were to rear its ugly head, although unlikely in my book. This is a treatment outline that you can go over with your support person, counselor, primary physician, or whomever you would like to be included if you were to ever have a serious episode or need of hospitalization. Just having this in place helps me feel like I know what we would do if I were to ever get sick again, however unlikely, and may make your family or physician more comfortable about you treating your bipolar naturally.

Some examples of things your plan might include:

 What I do to treat my bipolar that works for me:


  • Drink plenty of water and get adequate salt intake
  • Take four (eight if having bipolar symptoms) capsules of EMPower™ Q96 every day
  • Take my probiotics
  • Take my fish oil/cod liver oil
  • Take my Vitamin D spray
  • Eat healthily and regularly
  • Get regular sleep


Things that can upset my treatment or affect my moods:


  • Infections/illness
  • Monthly hormones
  • Digestive issues
  • Excessive stress
  • Extreme schedule changes
  • Inability to sleep, over excitement/racing thoughts


What does it looks like when you are well? When I am well I can…


  • Attend work regularly
  • Keep up with house/yard work
  • Socialize and network
  • Be optimistic and excited about the future


How does the illness present for you? When I am manic I…


  • Have difficulty concentrating/can’t stick to one thing
  • Have racing or sped-up thoughts
  • Feel impatient, agitated, irritable, argumentative
  • Want to buy things, spend money


When I am depressed I…


  • Don’t want to get out of bed, or work, or see people
  • Have thoughts that my family would be better off without me
  • Have feelings of guilt without cause or an impending sense of doom
  • Feel incredibly sad about everything or anything
  • Am paranoid, anxious and negative


My early warning signs are…

When I need help I will…

If you see me having symptoms you can help me by…

It is time to see a doctor when…

I will accept medications for temporary intervention when…

It is time to take me to the hospital when…

The number for my doctor(s) is (are):

Medications that have not worked for me before are…

Medications that did work for me before are…

Natural remedies have gotten me well and kept me stable. Please allow me to continue them


A personal statement: “I would like to have the option to have my micronutrients and other supplements with me in the hospital. Taking them every day, especially while in the hospital, is my best chance at getting well alongside the medication. It is what has worked for me in the past. I will comply with medication to get well again. I understand that medications may be necessary to bring me through this crisis, and I will adhere to the treatment protocols for as long as it is deemed necessary.”


After making this safety net outline, my husband and I felt like what we were doing for our family with my treatment was the best option on so many levels, but it gave us a sense of empowerment to know that we were not helpless to this disease. We also had options, choices that we used to know nothing about. I hope that it is helpful to you, your loved one, or patient.



Med Free Bipolar ARC Book Release an international success

book cover jpeg

So, some people would be abysmally disappointed if their soft book launch only had 1400 downloads, but I am extremely humbled. I expected 1,000% less! I launched the ARC (advanced reader copy) only thinking a few dozen people might see it, and instead it was downloaded internationally. So anyway, I still have a lot of work to do. A few stats that have been in my head aren’t cited properly yet (although 75 are), and there are numerous typos that are driving the editor in me crazy. With the age of digital publishing, you can launch a 90% completed rough draft and then respond to feedback instantly. It is an amazing era in publishing. If you have not read the book but want to, the ARC copy is a great way to be a part of the publishing process. If you want to be in the book, send me a story. If you want to be part of the editing, send me all the mistakes I have made. If you are a contributor, send me tips and ideas that have worked for you, they might make it in the book! If you want to just start on your healing journey, then do that. Love you even though I have not met you, pray for you and your hurting, and I pray for you the health I now enjoy. I am not where I want to be yet, and I will never stop learning and growing! Here is the link to get the book, and if you don’t have a Kindle, don’t worry. You can go to and get the free app on any device or computer. Med Free Bipolar: Thrive Naturally using the Med Free Method(TM) by Aspen L. Morrow by Pottenger Press is now available on Kindle ONLY. Print book and formatted e-book available May 28th, 2014.

Forced medication legislation impacts every State

The out patient forced treatment bill passed…people can now be forcibly drugged in their own homes in every state in the country.

NY Times, 5 hours ago:

As if it is not bad enough that psychiatric patients have in the past been chained to walls, lobotomized, shocked, and now forced to ride in handcuffs and police escorts to the hospital, people can now be forcibly drugged in their own homes in every state in the country. The treatment of mental health patients has got to evolve. I usually do not get too involved in politics, rants, agendas or other tirades, but this infuriates me.

Canada denied my friend Autumn Stringam access to their micronutrient treatments because they were NOT approved bipolar medication, even though they effectively worked for thousands of patients. Autumn had to go all the way to Parliament to fight for her right to self-treat bipolar naturally. That could now happen in America as well. 

I have been medication free with bipolar disorder type one, ADD, and anxiety for over ten years. I would NOT go back. It may be extreme to say that I would rather die than go back on psych meds, but that is how I feel at this moment. If I were to get sick enough to be hospitalized ever again, I would comply with the medications just long enough to get out of the crisis. After the emergency was over, I would work hard to return to my full mental health using the Med Free Method that I developed for myself and others over the years. However, if, when I got out, I were forced to take medications under court order, I do not think I would be able to stand it in comparison to the taste of normal living and health I have enjoyed for so many years. It would be a death sentence. It would kill my hopes, dreams, and kidneys. I want my civil rights protected. I want the choice to thrive naturally with bipolar, not have that choice taken from me in lieu of medicated stupor. 


What tragedy befalls us. This is dangerous legislation.


A collection on Forced Treatment (which the UN appropriately calls torture):  Coercion, subtle or otherwise, is the rule in psychiatric care…