Is The Med Free Method™ or the upcoming book: Med Free Bipolar™ right for you, your loved one, or your patient? Take the Quiz

Is The Med Free Method™ or the upcoming book: Med Free Bipolar™ right for you, your loved one, or your patient? Take the Quiz.

10 Years Medication Free Bipolar and counting….

Wow, I cannot believe it has been 12 years this week since I was involuntarily hospitalized for a psychotic episode in which I had the following experiences: paranoia, catatonia, mixed moods, mania, depression, severe sleep deprivation, and suicidal tendencies. What a couple of weeks that was, I gotta tell you. I was labeled as Bipolar 1, and when after I was released, a psychiatrist told me I would: be on meds the rest of my life, have trouble keeping a job, should consider not having children, and would probably be able to get medicaid help and disability if I needed it. Well, I am happy to report that instead: I have not been on medications in 10 years, am a successful entrepreneur and business woman of the year, have 3 awesome kids to which I am a great mom,  and I do not need disability or medicaid.  So…Nah nah nah nah nah.  The thing is though, is that I believe anyone can do what I have done. I am not the exception, except that I am, cause not very many people have the tools and resources that I have learned over the past 10 years that allow me to not only live a completely normal life, but allow me to live my life in such a way, that no one even knows or suspects that I have Bipolar unless I choose to share. I have a healthy marriage, healthy friendships, and get to live a life full of abundance and gratitude.  This is what I want for you. This is what I want for your loved one who is suffering.  There is hope and a future. There are effective treatments for this thieving, murderous disease; ones that do not include chemicals, and blood tests, therapies, circle-ups, and a litany of doctors.  I am here to give you a light at the end of the tunnel, who is ready to make a change?