Explore Life Without Medication!


I have been asked for a program that would help them beyond my book, Med Free Bipolar. A program to walk them through becoming med free and mind free. This program is the closest thing to the program that I would create myself. If one were to add in the Empowerplus™ Q96 brain vitamins on top of this 44-day Program, I believe extraordinary healing will occur in the brain! I highly encourage you to take advantage of this special offer Dr. Kelly Brogan is giving my readers: a Free eBook, a free chapter, a free Q&A session with her (9/16/16), and $100 off her program (only through 9/20/16!) Blessings & Med Free Health!  –Aspen Morrow


What would you give to feel whole again?

According to my friend, Dr. Kelly Brogan, this is all you really need to change your life:

Knowledge. Tools. Support. And a Reset.

Maybe you’ve been told that depression, anxiety and stress are an imbalance in your brain. That something in you is broken, and you can only “fix” yourself pills. That idea is a terrible myth. What is broken — and outdated — is our healthcare system.

These myths handed down by trusted authorities are keeping you sick and confused.

But with the right knowledge and tools — combined with the right support — you can hit the reset button and awaken the person you were meant to be. Naturally.

You can heal yourself.

Dr. Brogan, author of the best-selling book, A Mind of Your Own, sees patients in her practice in NYC as a holistic psychiatrist. She told me:

“I’ve seen women come to me drained of energy. Overwhelmed by anxiety. Sunken by depression. And I’ve seen those same women walk away feeling fully alive again. Healthy. Self-assured and in control. All without drugs.”

Now, Dr. Brogan has taken the very same knowledge and tools she uses with her patients, and combined it with an online support program called Vital Mind Reset. With this life-changing, step-by-step program, you can take the steps to a better life from your own home, and for a fraction of the cost her patients pay.

Here’s what one Vital Mind Resetter had to say about her experience:

I did the reset diet when A Mind of Your Own came out and felt fantastic. However the changes I’ve experienced while doing the Vital Mind Reset program have been dramatically more than I ever expected. This wasn’t just about diet. It was about changing my mindset and focusing on all of the components that the program addresses. Having the support of other people working to change their lives as well was also invaluable.

Vital Mind Reset is a 44-day program that will hold your hand and introduce you to a community of people just like you – all working to transform their lives and revive their power and joy.

This is the first time Dr. Brogan has opened up enrollment for Vital Mind Reset to my followers. So, for a limited time you can join the program at a steep discount.

Visit the Vital Mind Reset page to learn more.


Patty Duke Predicted the Future of Mental Health


I wish Patty Duke had been a Med Free Bipolar

I was born and raised in Idaho, and one year ago when Patty Duke spoke at a women’s conference in Boise, I was unaware that she also lived in Idaho. We had a Q&A session with her, and I raised my hand. When she called on me I jokingly stated that I thought I was the most famous bipolar person in Idaho, but she obviously trumps me and my little ‘ol book.

I do not even remember what I asked her, I wish I did. Afterwards I waited in line a long time, and she signed a couple of my books for gifts to other people, and I gave her a signed copy of mine.

But I do remember one profound statement she made, eerily prophetic more than even she knew at the time. She said, and I may slightly misquote: “I believe that a cure for Bipolar will be found, and I don’t think it will be medication.” She incessantly licked her lips as a side effect of years on lithium, and I saw a glimpse of myself in 30 years if I had not found an alternative to meds.

I wish we could have met years ago, before the lithium side effects took their toll on her, and she could have given me countless insight as well. Her prophetic words will forever be with me now, markedly even more pronounced by her death. There is an answer already to bipolar and all types of brain disorders. Like she alluded to…it is not medication, but rather addresses the root of the issue: severe brain deficiencies, carried over from generations of depletion. But the good news is that is is fixable, with 20 plus years of research behind it. I do not have the voice, or the pull, or the clout that Patty did, but she had the heart, like I do, and so even if not together now, I will find a way to give voice to the voiceless…hope to the hopeless…and will fight until that message is as famous as she was. Rest in peace Patty, and I am so sorry I did not try harder to share my message of recovery with you. You and your work and your fight for people like me will not be forgotten.

Aspen L. Morrow, Author of Med Free Bipolar

Is The Med Free Method™ or the upcoming book: Med Free Bipolar™ right for you, your loved one, or your patient? Take the Quiz


Not sure whether the Med Free Method™ (or Book Med Free Bipolar) is the right choice for your situation? 

Quizzes: Is the Med Free Method™ right for you?


The Med Free Method™ is not for everyone. I believe it is the best answer for approximately 80-90% of those diagnosed or suspecting of a bipolar condition, but it is not a magic pill or method, so please take the time to determine whether it might be right for you, a loved one, or a patient before investing in the process. Approximately 60%-70% may be able to become 100% medication free, while others may need to continue a smaller dose of medication in conjunction with the Med Free Method™. Sometimes it does need to be all or nothing, as some of the protocols can interact with psychotropic medication, but a few find they do better with a combination of the two. There is no absolute right or wrong, only what is best for you.

Nothing worthwhile is always easy. Although some parts of our method are as simple as adding in some daily foundational supplementation, other parts require both a physical, mental, and spiritual workout. Take the following two quizzes to help determine if the Med Free Method™ is right for you, your loved one, or your patient:



  • Are you currently having suicidal thoughts or attempts?


  • Have you been hospitalized in the past 30 days?


  • Have you been hospitalized four or more times in the last 12 months?


  • Are you doing extremely well managing your condition now using medication?


  • Have you found another natural remedy and are symptom-free?


  • Are you well tolerant of the side effects of your current medication?


  • Do you like being able to numb away the effects of your condition with medications?


  • Have you been to jail due to your condition one or more times in the past 2 years?
  • Do you have trouble remembering to take anything regularly, including medications or supplements?


STOP: If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, then the Med Free Method™ may not be right for you. Sometimes rocking the boat can make matters worse, not better. Get stable or enjoy being stable where you are, and then consider re-evaluating if things change.


QUIZ #2: For the Bipolar:


  • Have you been diagnosed with bipolar and are looking at all viable treatment options?


  • Are you currently un-medicated?


  • Does a medicine free option for Bipolar appeal to you?


  • Would you just like to learn some new coping skills?


  • Do you think about going off of your medications often?


  • Do you experience every side effect listed on the medications you take?


  • Do the medications make you feel worse or only slightly better?


  • Have you gained weight on the medications?


  • Have the medications interfered with your sex life?


  • Are you still getting symptoms break through that you would like to end?


  • Are your symptoms as few as you would like?


  • Would you like a natural approach to managing your bipolar?


  • Are you tired of feeling horrible?


  • Are you hopeless about past options?


  • Are you tired of endless medication adjustments?


  • Do you feel like a medical guinea pig?


  • Do you feel your doctor never listens or knows what you are going through?


  • Do you have a good support person?


  • Would your doctor help you transition into a natural treatment option?


  • Are you on disability or food stamps due to your condition and feel ashamed?


  • Do you ever wonder if there could be a better way?


  • Do you dream of a better life, one without a diagnosis?


  • Do you debate between which is worse: the medications or the illness?


  • Would you like to be able to possibly eliminate or reduce the amount and dosages of the medications you take?


  • Does the idea of a normal, medication free life interest you?


If you answered “Yes” to three or more, then the Med Free Method™ might be right for you.

“Contemplate the similarities between the

phrases ‘being patient’ and ‘being a patient’”

–Kay Redfield Jamison



QUIZ #3: For the Practitioner/Doctor


  • As a practitioner, do you want to be informed of what is out there? ie: Informed Consent


  • As a practitioner, do you want to know about what your patients might be trying at home?


  • As a practitioner, do you want to be able to present all viable treatment choices to your patients?


  • As a practitioner, do you have a treatment-resistant patient?


  • As a practitioner, do you specialize already in alternative or natural treatments?


If you answered “Yes” to one or more, then I would recommend the Med Free Method™ for you, your staff and possibly for your patients.



QUIZ #4: For a Support Person


  1. Do you know someone with bipolar? Are they struggling?


  1. Do you know someone who you think might have bipolar?


  1. Do you, a friend or a loved one have a child with behavior issues?


  1. Does your loved one refuse treatment or medication?


  1. Does your loved one refuse to admit they might have a problem?


  1. Are you afraid to leave your loved one alone?


  1. Are you tired of how out of control their life is?


  1. Do you fear your loved one will end up in a hospital or institution?


  1. Do you fear the police or jail may be in the future?


  1. Are you willing to help them find a better way?


  1. Are you willing or capable of helping them fund supplements or alternative treatments for a time?


If you answered “Yes” to two or more, then the Med Free Method™ may be a viable option for you to introduce them to or help them implement. Remember that this is a process, a journey, and it is not a race. It may only take a few weeks for some, but for others, including me, it took months to get stable and then years to get completely well. I am still learning, and will never know it all.

The Med Free Method™ is based on the premise that for every prescription out there, a natural alternative exists. It was not developed by a doctor, but simply a fully-recovered psych patient intent on getting better, and then a mom motivated to help her children. Aspen Has been medication-free for ten years and lives out most of the principles in the Med Free Method™ every day.

Is there a Natural Cure for Bipolar?

Did you know? Mental illness is highly preventable, treatable, and reversible using inexpensive natural cures? Just like many things out there, a better alternative treatment for Bipolar is already available. But why don’t you know about it?

Scurvy is something we all know the cure for, right? But how long did it take to become “common knowledge”? Scurvy symptoms include: General weakness, anemia, bleeding gums, loose teeth, depression, skin bruises/hemorrhage. It is Caused by a deficiency in vitamin C. We could have created a synthetic prescription like vitamin C to profit off of, but eating an orange is easier. So how long did it take for this simple natural cure to take effect? Well, let’s see…

1601: Lancaster – open controlled trial of citrus for scurvy; none died with lemon juice, 40% on ships without lemon juice died….Which is better? O% Mortality rate, or 40%? Duh….

1747: Lind replicated: randomized trial 6 treatments for scurvy; citrus superior to all other treatments

1795: British Admiralty ordered citrus on all navy ships

1865: British Board of Trade required citrus on all merchant ships

Lag from evidence to practice: 264 yr
Berwick, JAMA, 280(15): 1969-1975, 2003

So….what about mental illness? Is there as simple of a cure for mental health issues as there was for scurvy? Simple, then why did it take 264 years? Let’s look at some current case studies:

5000 BC- Egyptians were treating mental illness with specific foods, herbs, song, dance and art therapy.

460-370 BC Hippocrates: (Father of Modern Medicine) “All disease begins in the Gut.” He advocated that FOOD be the primary form of MEDICINE.

1757 – James Lind discovers vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy

1881-1959- Max Gerson cures cancer with detoxification and nutrition

1974- Linus Pauling- “The genes for mental illness are likely the genes that regulate brain metabolism of essential nutrients.”

1893-1988 – Roger J. Williams, P.h.D- Hall of Fame in orthomolecular nutrition. “When in doubt, try nutrition first.”

1908-1988- Carl C. Pfeiffer, M.D., P.h.D.- “For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect”– Pfeiffer’s Law Pfeiffer helped heal Schizophrenics by the thousands (studied 20,000!) in the ’70’s at his Brain Bio Center, mostly through nutrition and simple supplementation like zinc, B6, and amino acids.

2013- 20 independent research studies on Micronutrients for Mental Health that some show as much as 80% reduction in symptoms. When we will learn that scurvy was cured a long time ago, but so has the mystery of mental illness. It begins in the gut, with malabsorption of nutrients, leading to deficiencies. A malnourished brain, only 2% of our body weight, accounts for 20-50% of our nutritional needs. A malnourished brain will act up and act up. Is your brain depressed? Manic? Mad? Angry? Raging? Are your kids acting out? Feed them a Highly Potent, bioavailable micronutrient supplement (Like QuietMinds, EvinceNaturals…or Q96) and see the difference in 3 months or less! I recommend Q96 because it is the most potent, has the fewest pills to swallow, and it also the most affordable. (www.medfree.myqxlife.com). By signing up as a distributor I can even get it wholesale for my whole family (we all have brains, but I am the only bipolar (recovered)).

When we will learn? Will it be another 264 years before the cure to mental illness will be “common knowledge”?  I hope not!  One in 5 of our children will be diagnosed with a mental illness before the age of 18, I want to stop and reverse this.  If diet truly is the CAUSE of mental illness, then our grandchildren may be diagnosable at a rate of 50% if things do not change. I believe the is already a natural cure for Bipolar. What do you think? Remember if I am wrong….there will always be some latest and greatest drug to go back to and try. Med management will always be there to fall back on. Contact me if you would like to know more about how the Med Free Method(TM) works.


aspen@aspenmorrow.com                                                          bizpic

Med Free Method(TM), Med Free Diet(TM) and Mental Mindset Recovery(TM) are all part of a simple plan to get well, be med free or on minimal doses, be mostly symptom-free, and to teach people how to fully recovery naturally from bipolar.